Friday, February 5, 2010

Chicago Billionaires, Inc.

To be a person and a corporation, too! The Billionaire’s wet dream. That's the idea behind Chicago Billionaires, Inc. We, the stupendously rich of Chicago, have formed a new corporation in celebration of the January 2010 Supreme Court decision that applies First Amendment rights to corporations. This way, we have twice the rights than you!

The other night, I, Harris Tocracy, met with my fellow Chicago Billionaires Ruth Liss and Horace P. Greedy at a restaurant your kind would never be allowed near. We came with one concern: reparations. If our corporations have been put down so long by “the man” (your government), then now our time is due. We want our 40 acres and a Lamborghini.

The idea struck us to incorporate. Yes, we sit on the boards of most of the companies that rule your life (Disney, Coca-Cola, Halliburton, Pfizer, Microsoft, Northrop-Grumman, Monsanto, etc.). But they represent very specific areas and issues. If we incorporate ourselves, we can have a voice dedicated to our unique, privileged vision. We don’t have a product or a service. We don’t want to contract with anyone. We are wealthy, that's all. Enormously so. And we will be heard!

We are beginning our incorporation process. Consider it a rebirth. Chicago Billionaires, Inc. will take their newfound personhood and indulge itself just like crazy, reckless flesh persons do. Perhaps we’ll vote. Or run for office. Or get married – as long as it’s to a corporation of the opposite sex. Maybe the first thing we’ll do is get very, very drunk.

On power.

Join our group on Facebook: Chicago Billionaires, Inc.